by Spectrum Marketing Group | Mar 24, 2016 | Blog
Any business or non-profit can be entered to win a free 15-60 second video produced by Spectrum Marketing Group. Simply go to our Facebook page and find the post which has the video you see above and… Comment on the post with the name of the owner or their...
by Spectrum Marketing Group | Sep 20, 2017 | Blog, Social Media
The Importance of Maintaining Your Social Media Accounts Social Media outlets gives a platform for company news, views and insight. It presents your products or services on a medium which follows the inbound marketing structure. Many of the insight tools on sites like...
by Spectrum Marketing Group | Feb 26, 2016 | Blog, Brand Development
First of all, there is no substitute for a face-to-face meeting with clients and potential customers. In order to bring your brand to the limelight of your market it is essential to include a trade show exhibit into your marketing mix. They offer an excellent...
by Spectrum Marketing Group | Feb 26, 2016 | Blog, Graphic Design
If you have no idea where your original business logo files are or, have no access to them, we can help! Without your original business logo files, you don’t have the ability to use your logo on business cards, other printing or for use on signage. Our basic logo...