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Numbers Don’t Lie…

Numbers Don’t Lie…

…sometimes we use them to lie – to ourselves.  Numbers are used to identify, define and support both value and statistics.  Statistics are the tool of both sides of an argument.  Statistics offer the fundamental truths we wish to believe.  Statistically;...
G.F.M. is G.F.Y.

G.F.M. is G.F.Y.

Win-Win.  Everybody loves to toss that term around.  But is win-win really always mutually beneficial?  It’s all a matter of perspective. What is your P.O.V. (Point of View) on what a win-win situation is?  Think about it.  There are two columns in basic...
Bring a 3 Year-Old to Work

Bring a 3 Year-Old to Work

Perspective.  We all need to either gain some or find a new one. If you think you know your business.  If you think you’ve learned everything you can possibly learn.  If you think there is no other way to do what you do – bring a 3 year-old to work with...
Don’t Think of It as Marketing!

Don’t Think of It as Marketing!

There are certain tasks, situations and people you, as everyone else, dislikes dealing with.  Lawyers, doctors, politicians, undertakers, car salespeople and yes, marketing consultants are on that list. They all represent a task or a situation you cannot handle...
Perception is Reality

Perception is Reality

The old adage – the customer is always right – is a bit skewed if not misconstrued.  More correctly; what the client thinks is right, or not, doesn’t always make them correct. Change the perception.  Change the thinking.  What is ultimately important...