According to a May 2013 forecast by, “Nearly 70% of all consumer internet traffic will be video…” That means an, “…equivalent of 5 million years of video viewing crossing the internet every month.”
By 2017 there will be a billion more online video views than there were in 2012 for a total of 2 billion. That, believe it or not, isn’t the interesting part!
Viewing these videos on personal computers will actually decline from, “…88% in 2012 to 57% in 2017.” By then, says the Cisco report, more video will be viewed on mobile devices than on fixed online devices.
In 2014, Cisco reported in a its January study that within three years video will constitute 69% of all internet traffic. What does this mean to you as a business owner?
It’s time for you to produce and upload relevant, engaging and informative video content about the benefits, advantages and features of your business, product or service. But, isn’t it expensive you say? Or, mabye you’re thinking you can do your own video, right?
Umm, no. Not anymore. Quality video production is available for even the most modest budget. The secret is in the story. The better your story. The better the message. Oh, doing it yourself? Sure, no problem if you have the time and experience to do it!
Here’s a great example of a short-form (less then :90) video we did for our rising star client Snell Golf. It features a simple story, a proposition really, with a great track and engaging kinetic graphics.
Spectrum Marketing Group can produce an impact-full video like this for you. What can you do with it? Post it to your own You Tube Channel, upload it to your website or use it as a pre-roll video as part of your first or next social media or digital marketing campaign.
Aren’t quite sure how to go about producing a video? Or, what a You Tube Channel is or, how to upload it to your website or, use it as part of your first or next digital marketing campaign? Call us.
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is worth 10,000. It’s time for you to brand or re-brand your business, product or service with quality video that really is in your budget!