Branded web video? What is it and why should you care? Well if the following statistics didn’t get your attention, what else would you like to know about it?
1.2 billion online videos will be viewed today alone. Over half of consumers surveyed said that when they watch product videos they’re more confident of their online purchases.
And, oh, they’re more likely to view video using their mobile and tablet devices. Three times more than laptop or desktop users. So, web video isn’t just the next big thing – it is the big thing!
Could your business benefit from Public Relations (PR) or Public Service Announcement (PSA) Videos? Non-profits can profit from them and so can for profit businesses. How about a video with your (company or product) brand?
That’s right, a video, a branded web video, whose only purpose is to create a good vibe about your company, your people, your product or service. It’s also a great team-building tool and, yeah, it can also provide you some very good PR.
Teaching videos that instruct your current or potential customers on how to do something, especially if you sell the materials they need or, explaining videos that show what you do. There’s product videos that show the product up close.
According to industry studies, over half of consumers who viewed a product video reported that they felt more confident making an online purchase after watching it. Would your sales be affected if customers were more confident?
Confident consumers return fewer items. That also means you don’t need to make as many sales calls. Happy and confident customers tell their friends. Convinced yet?
What do your customers or clients have to say about you? Would they like to share it on video? That’s right, testimonial videos tell prospective or on-the-fence customers what they’ve experienced and what they think about your enterprise or organization.
This isn’t the future. It’s happening now. Are your competitors doing it? If your website is mostly text, it’s time to switch. If you’re still spending money on just cable television advertising, it’s time to rethink that strategy as well.
If you’re only objection is that you think video is too expensive, that’s the least of your concerns. And, oh, by the way, it’s not.
That’s REASON NUMBER ONE. Not using video to introduce your business, to inform customers and prospects and, to just plain offer anyone the value experience of your brand, is more expensive in the long run.
REASON NUMBER TWO – good video is effective video. Effective video is well written. It’s well purposed – it has an objective. It’s produced well. It’s well placed and distributed where it will most likely be seen. And, it’s reasonably priced.
REASON NUMBER THREE – above all, it can be placed on your website, social media and through paid digital advertising, it can be targeted and re-targeted based on demographics, specific behavior and geography. Better yet, it’s less expensive and more effective than traditional offline media.
That’s where REASON NUMBER FOUR comes in, it’s easily measured. That’s right. Your also able to tell that it’s working, where and when. Did you know that you might get some coop advertising support as well?
So, what’s REASON NUMBER FIVE? Here it is – there’s no reason why you aren’t ready to talk to us about your first branded web video project. Unless, of course you don’t have a website.
We can help you with that, too! Contact us today and see what branded web video is all about; what’s involved and how it’s an investment that is trackable and affordable, too. What are you waiting for?