The old adage – the customer is always right – is a bit skewed if not misconstrued. More correctly; what the client thinks is right, or not, doesn’t always make them correct.
Change the perception. Change the thinking. What is ultimately important in any relationship is communication. In business this goes without saying.
Businesses must be and continue to remain consumer-centric. Yes, everything does revolve around them! Let’s borrow a methodology from the mental health profession. It is generally used to cope with a certain disorder. But, it may also be adapted for business.
Here are three of this method’s important factors. The first: Pay complete attention. When you’re customer or client is speaking – pay attention. If it walks like a duck, and all that, it more than likely is a duck. However, assume nothing.
There are times however when what the customer or client is saying isn’t quite clear. Why? They may be a bit confused. Confusion is the result of being in conflict with yourself. They may know what they need but, what they want may seem to be irrational and emotionally biased.
The second factor: Understand fully. Understanding where your customer or client is coming from emotionally or perceptually is a large part of your relationship. However, they also need to remember that they called you for assistance. They have to respect your point of view, opinion and suggestions.
Again, perception is reality. Thinking makes it so. Change the perception. Change the thinking. It works both ways. Perceptions are oftentimes driven by emotional needs. In marketing; fear, urgency and doubt are three of the most common.
“How can I be sure. In a world that’s constantly changing?” The old Young Rascals song from the 70s says it all. Fear covers a lot of bases. Urgency, too – impatience, gratification and failure. And, as for doubt, how sure can your customer or client be that you “get it” and, how can they be sure you know what they want or need?
That’s why the third factor: Validate emotions, is so important. To validate those emotions. To be consumer-centric. You need to revert to the wisdom of the ages: ethos, pathos and logos. Convince your customer or client of your character or credibility. That’s ethos. Appeal to their emotion with pathos or, an equally emotional response. Finally, use logos to appeal to their logic.
Reasonably persuade them by, here we go again, changing their perception to change their thinking. This can all be done through your communication, advertising, at point of sale and, in so many other simple ways. Call us today to speak with us about helping you to be more consumer-centric. We listen!