Oh what a tangled web you can weave! Someone once said that time is money. Then again, money can buy you time.
Building a website will cost you. It’ll cost you time!
How much is your time worth? Do you know how much you’re worth per hour?
If you don’t know, this might be a good time to find out. Why?
Would you hire someone to work for you that charges more than they’re worth? Of course you wouldn’t!
So, why would you want to design and maintain your website? Let’s go back to the time factor.
How well do you write? And, even if you do write well, most web visitors are looking for short and to the point text.
How long will it take to write the content for just your ABOUT page? And, then there’s the tabs that help to describe what you do to both visitors/prospective customers and visitors/customers. How about the CONTACT, HELP, FAQ, SERVICES, PRODUCTS or ORDERING pages?
How much time will that take you?
Whether you have the ability to take great photos and video it takes, umm, oh yeah, time! There are the general photos of your location with interiors and exteriors, key personnel, products and anything else that supports your text, paints a picture of what you do or offer and describes exactly what visitors to your website are looking for.
As for video. Short, sweet and to the point. Just like your web text. The funny thing is, people don’t really read like they used to.
They actually scan looking for what meets their search criteria. So video is invaluable!
Let’s not forget the other visuals such as your logo, charts and graphs and the time it will take to gather everything before you get going on building your new website.
Actually, money is just money. What we’re talking about here is cost. The cost of time. Yours. Or, a professional web developer.
Don’t assume anything. Websites are not as expensive to design, develop and launch as they once were.
Have you ever considered how much time you have to devote to your website once it’s live? It has to constantly be improved or added to or else visitors will get bored with it.
Sure, you can use one of those freebee do-it-yourself websites and save money. But, you won’t be saving time. Time, your time is not free.
The time you spend on your website is time you’re spending away from your business, your customers and your employees. There’s so much more you have to consider.
Remember, building a website is so much more than just a creating a digital version of a brochure. It’s identifies you before anyone even drops by or calls your place of business. It communicates what you do, why you do it and who you’re doing it for.
Need help. Call us. Let’s talk about it. We’re Spectrum Marketing Group. We’ll give you an hour of our time to review what you expect from a website and how to design, develop and launch it.