Brand Videos
What are they and why should you do one?
Brand Videos
Brand videos, or what we commonly refer to as overview or company overview videos are videos designed to showcase an organizatoins overall vision, mission and scope of products and services.
How we often expalain it to clients is to think of a brand video as your “about us” page in video form.
Why should you consider producing a brand video?
Messaging: The main reason to consider producing a brand video is that video is the most engaging way to communicate your message. In short, potential customers would rather watch a short video than read about you. Brand video features creative elements like photography, videography, music, interviews and voiceovers. When combined these elements can often times produce a much more emotional response in viewers than your typical about us copy.
Multiple Platforms: These videos can also serve multiple purposes. The primary home for these types of videos will be your website. However, you can also repurpose them for use on social media as well. For clients who have not already started producing video, this is a good way to get started and will provide you with evergreen footage (footage you can use for future projects and your first bit of content to start building out your youtube channel.
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How To Plan Your Video Shoot
Story Boarding
Storyboarding the the process of outlining a vision for your project. From graphics styles, colors, content etc. A good place to start is by identifying brand videos from other organizatoins that you think will work well for your organization.
Interview Prep
If your video is to feature interview footage and soundbytes from key personnel or from clients, you will want to prepare by reviewing those questions ahead of time and having some idea about what you may talk about. However, we almost never recommend reading or trying to memorize responses, this comes off as inauthentic.
If your video is to feature a voice over or motion type, you will need to work with a copywriter to start producing the copy for the video. Even if your video will feature mostly interviews, its still a good exercise to outline what that final message will look like and then write questions that will prompt the interviewee to give those responses.
Shot List
It is always helpful before hand to start drafting a shot list. A shot list is simply a list of shots that you would like the videographer to capture. This may include things like staff interacting with clients, products being tested, the building, the community etc.
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Video Production Company New Bedford MA
Get In Touch
(508) 990-0438
651 Orchard St #311
New Bedford, MA
Open Hours
Mon - Fri:9am - 4pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed