Win-Win. Everybody loves to toss that term around. But is win-win really always mutually beneficial? It’s all a matter of perspective.
What is your P.O.V. (Point of View) on what a win-win situation is? Think about it. There are two columns in basic bookkeeping. Income and Expenses.
Someone’s income is another’s expense. A credit for you is a debit for the other guy. The deal maker is really all about solving a problem.
What is the problem costing you? How much are you willing to pay to fix it or make it go away? A purchase is an exchange of one value for another.
The point is this: When a product or service is sold, its purchase represents a solution. When you solve a customer’s problem, it is generally through the sale of something. Remember: Nothing happens until something is sold.
Do your products or services represent G.F.M. is G. F. Y.? Are you or your business perceived as representing valued, quality and trustworthy solutions?
Are you confident that G.F.M. (Good For Me) really is G. F. Y. (Good For You)? Does your brand and image represent something that is always mutually beneficial to your customers and prospects? Try looking at it without the rose colored glasses or, from another P.O.V. or angle. Does it alter your perception or the reality?
Let us know – call us – let’s talk about it. There’s no cost or obligation for the first meeting!
Really – it’s good for you AND it’s good for us, too.