Perspective. We all need to either gain some or find a new one.
If you think you know your business. If you think you’ve learned everything you can possibly learn. If you think there is no other way to do what you do – bring a 3 year-old to work with you.
Why? That’s correct! What’s correct? Why. Why is what the 3 year-old will ask every time you attempt to explain what you (mommy, daddy, grandpa…) do at work. They may also ask you a million questions that all start with: Why…
Yes, from the mouths of babes. Their questions will floor you, rattle you and make you babble like a brook in your attempt to craft an answer they’ll understand.
Why do you sell what you sell? Why do you do what you do? Why do those people work for you? Why do you charge so much? In rummaging your brain for an answer, you may ask yourself, why indeed?
The blockbuster movie Big starred Tom Hanks. Tom plays Josh Baskin who was a child magically transformed into an adult because he wished he was big. Josh works at a toy company. He is thrown into the workaday world of adults yet maintains his young boy personality.
He speaks his mind about the new toy concept presentation, “I don’t get it.” His nemesis, Paul who pitched the concept is outraged. Everyone else is stunned. Susan the love interest in the movie responds to Paul’s sputtering, “All he said was he didn’t get it.”
It’s not about a child’s immaturity or inexperience. It’s about our honesty and authenticity. Why do you or your company do what you do? Do you or the people who work for you or, whom you work for “get it”?
Authenticity is more than an existentialist term. It describes the true personality, spirit, or character of an individual, an organization or a product or service. Are you, your organization, product or service authentic?
Why? Do you get it? Perspective is reality. Call us to find out how we can help you find and answer the whys.