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The Role of Color in Marketing

I recently came across this great info graphic on the role of color in marketing from and just had to share. When starting with a new business or a business looking to rebrand itself, it always starts with colors.

Colors can be so important when it comes to who the target market is going to be and the feelings and emotions behind the brand you are wishing to convey. Check it out and see a synopsis below. 

Yellow: Optimism- Provides Clarity and Warmth

Optimism is an exciting and reputable emotion presented in this fantastic color of yellow. Think of whenever you see a sea of yellow grain fields. Or even when you are engrossed by the morning sunshine. It is a great sense of optimism presented in this color. The start of a new day or the benefits of a hard day’s work. Many positive emotions can result from yellow in marketing.

Company logos that carry this color include: Nikon, Best Buy, Subway, McDonalds

Orange: Friendly- Provides Cheerfulness and Confidence

Friendliness is a cheerful and great emotion presented in this fantastic color of orange. Think of maybe when you see someone offers you an orange item or the actual orange fruit. Just when times are low we are embraced by this amazing color. It is a fruitful emotion presented in this color. Those emotions connected to a new or past friendship. Much can be derived from the gentle emotions that can result from orange in marketing.

Company logos that carry this color include: Nickelodeon, Hooters, Payless, Fanta

Red: Excitement- Presents Youthfulness and Boldness

Excitement is an energetic and kinetic emotion presented in this fantastic color of red. Fire hydrants or items that involve significant attention share this color. Think of a time when red roses or even a street sign didn’t evoke that feeling of youthfulness or boldness. The emotions tied into this color always stand out. Much can be derived from the straightforward emotions that can result from red in marketing.

Company logos that carry this color include: Target, Coca Cola, CNN, Toyota

Purple: Creative- Presents an Imaginative and Wise Tone

Creativity is the best calling card for an active business. Aside from royalty, purple is reserved for an imaginative and wise tone. It’s a relaxing color which shows its traits in businesses which engulf being able to make something big out of little to nothing. The emotions tied to this color are tranquility and serenity. Many positive and gentle messages can be derived from purple in marketing.

Company logos that carry this color include: SyFy, Yahoo, Welch’s, Barbie

Blue: Trust -Presents Dependability and Strength

A presence of dependability and strength are dynamic characteristics of a great company. It speaks to clients and staff of that company that they are there for the long haul. Keeping in mind blue is tied into items that observe the same reflection. The emotions speak on stability and fortitude. The business relationships tied into blue make doing business a beneficial cause in marketing efforts.

Company logos that carry this color include: Dell, Lowe’s, HP, Oreo

Green: Peaceful- Represents Growth and Health

Try to ever think of a time green didn’t create a sense of play and laughter. It represents the emotion of growth and health. Causes and business models that also represent this emotional connection seem to vibe with green. The emotions also connected to this color include wellness and freedom. It is well to say that green can do a lot for businesses in growth and health in marketing efforts.

Company logos that carry this color: John Deere, Tropicana, bp, Monster

Gray: Balance- Neutrality and Calm

Gray is neutral and calm in its index of emotions. It represents a state of balance and intuitiveness which speaks to the scale of ventures such a color can lend to. It opens the idea that your company is there to provide a service or product for many styles and functions. Outside of what is presented by grey there isn’t many times when this color doesn’t mean calm. It is well to say using grey in your businesses marketing efforts will keep with the basic idea of service to the consumer.

Companies logos that carry this color: Cartoon Network, Apple, Honda, Nike

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